She then explains the core components of UX writing, as well as what the user wants and comprehensibility. Wait, What? Fiona Tinner Fiona Tinner begins her article by dividing and explaining both the UX and Writing parts of being a UX writer.
It also provides what they do, how companies utilize them, as well as links to free courses to enhance one’s knowledge in the field. UX Writing Joshua Colah This catch-all page is designed for new users to get a basic understanding of what UX writing is.
It describes how to develop a brand voice and gives a checklist to improve copy. It touches on collaboration and focuses on writing with the user in mind.

UX writing crash course & checklist Jenni McKinnon This Article provides a detailed introduction to UX writing. Brooke Lafleur then details what good microcopy is and explains why it needs to be both human oriented and why it needs to encourage users. Resources for UX writers UX Writing: How to do it like Google with this powerful checklist What is UX Writing? UX Writing 101 Brooke LaFleur This article explains what a UX writer does and outlines what a UX writing process looks like. Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose Kinneret, Y. It includes sections about advantages, word choice, how to improve, marketing and challenges a UX writer faces. She includes a detailed knowledge base sketch that outlines her introduction to UX writing. UX Writing - Part 1 Krisztina Szerovay Krisztina defines UX Writing as creating copy that helps users complete a task while taking into account how the user goes about doing it. It could be useful to note the distinction Chen makes between copywriting and UX writing, which is, “ copywriting = content to market the product, UX writing = content embedded in products.” He also links to his site, ( ), Leona Henryson’s article that is also included in this list ( ), Google Design’s UX Writer description ( also listed in this resource list), and “What is a UX Writer?” ( ). He details UX writing’s rise in popularity and highlights UX writers’ role in establishing consistency in language, voice, and tone throughout a product or application. What is UX writing? Definitions and Examples Oz Chen Chen, founder of, defines UX writing as “ the production of written content that becomes part of, and supports, a product’s user experience.” He gives clear examples of different types of UX writing, including calls to action, menu design and navigation, and prompts that encourage user interaction. This article is part of an advertisement for Stormid which provides digital services. Introduces the reader to common areas and types of UX writing. What is UX writing? Tobias Brockie A clear easy to read definition of UX writing with examples. The only resource listed is their UX Writing Fundamentals course ( ).

Wood discusses topics like deliverables UX writers produce, the UX writer’s role in relation to product and user, content strategy, and user journeys. The article provides an in-depth look at UX writing as a design discipline and gives advice on how to become a UX writer. The topics covered are: Intro to UX Writing, What a UX Writer Actually Writes, and The Responsibilities of a UX Writer. What is UX Writing? Bobbie Wood This article is a preview of the first 3 lessons of UX Writers Collective’s UX Writing Fundamentals Course. She suggests reading John Saito’s writing ( and the book Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose ( ). Finally, she gives advice to people hoping to transition into the field from a variety of backgrounds, describes skills that benefit UX writers, and mentions a few companies that often hire UX writers. She uses an example of UX text to show how the writing process works and the questions that inform it. She gives options for different career paths that lead to UX Writer and explains what UX writing is and how it differs from other types of writing. She describes UX writing as “concentrated language” and analyzes an example from Lyft and Uber apps.

Other subfields of content strategy include information architecture and marketing writing. UX Writing Defined What is UX Writing? Lisa Sanchez Sanchez states that UX writing is a subfield of content strategy. The students reviewed articles, wrote summaries and take-aways, and grouped the articles into broad categories. This resource about articles on UX writing was developed by writing students at the University of Washington. Dozens of interesting articles have been written by our peers. There is a lot of great content about UX writing.